Fraction collector LAMBDA OMNICOLL replaces LKB Superfrac (Frac-950, Frag-920, ...)

How to replace the fraction collector LKB Superfrac (Frac-950, Frag-920)?

Since the fraction collector LKB Superfrac (Frac-950, Frag-920, … ) is no longer available, users from the biochemistry, analytical chemistry and production departments reach for the LAMBDA OMNICOLL fraction collector & autosampler:

OMNICOLL fraction collector and auto-sampler with 250 ml bottles

What makes LAMBDA OMNICOLL the perfect replacement for Superfrac fraction collectors?

LAMBDA OMNICOLL as a replacement for Superfrac fraction collectors also allows liquids to be collected in large containers. For this purpose, the baseplate of the laboratory device can be removed and the collection unit can be placed directly on the container.

Another possibility, which Superfrac users are very familiar with, is the perforation of the baseplate, through which the hose guide leads the liquid to the container. This option of the LAMBDA OMNICOLL fraction collector is particularly suitable when several streams are fractionated at the same time

Large volume fraction collection

LAMBDA OMNICOLL’s assembly with customizable options for your large volume fraction collection is unique in the laboratory instrument market!

For pilot plants and industrial chromatographic applications, the bottom support plate can be removed to fill very large bottles or containers for large volume fraction collection.

It is possible to fix a tubing with larger diameter on the tubing holders of LAMBDA OMNICOLL fraction collector and sampler.

LAMBDA OMNICOLL allows the implementation of special bottom support plate with funnels fitted with tubes, for example in collecting 50 litre fractions or samples.

Excellent choice for field applications, as LAMBDA OMNICOLL multi-stream fraction collectors for large volumes, can be operated with battery.

More flexibility with the LAMBDA OMNICOLL fraction collector & autosampler!

The modular fraction collector & autosampler LAMBDA OMNICOLL also offers more flexibility: Free choice of the number of streams to be fractionated simultaneously, easy-to-use adaptation to a wide variety of containers for samples or fractions and unlimited number of samples/fractions by simply extending the laboratory device.

autosampler simultaneous

For which application are you looking for a replacement for your Superfrac?

In order to replace your Superfrac with the latest LAMBDA OMNICOLL as soon as possible, you can simply send LAMBDA Laboratory Instruments, the manufacturer & distributor of the fraction collectors, a brief e-mail to to explain your application in order to receive a non-binding offer.