Biochemists, chemists and other researchers in R&D have extensively documented the various applications of LAMBDA OMNICOLL fraction collectors and autosamplers. To explore these scientific works in detail, refer to the collection of publications, please.
Here, you'll find a curated selection of applications for fraction collectors and autosamplers, complete with additional background information:

How to replace the fraction collector LKB Superfrac (Frac-950, Frag-920)?
LAMBDA OMNICOLL replaces the fraction collector LKB Superfrac (Frac-950, Frag-920)

Islets perifusion with automated fraction collector
ISLET PERIFUSION: Automated multi-channel fraction collection with LAMBDA OMNICOLL

Isolation, purification and characterization of allelopathic compounds
Isolation and characterization of allelopathic compounds by column chromatography and fraction collector LAMBDA OMNICOLL Isolation, structural elucidation and chemical synthesis of allelopathic compounds from plants, fungi, and other microorganisms are a very labor-exhausting and time-consuming studies. However, the identification of highly potent biological structures (used as natural herbicides, medicaments, antioxidants, etc.) is worth the time […]

Successful Protein Purification: Gradient elution
Protein purification: Liquid chromatography & gradient elution with OMNICOLL fraction collector and LAMBDA peristaltic pumps For protein purification and isolation of peptides, nucleic acids or small molecules from the crude mixture of fermentation broth, liquid column chromatography (LC) is widely used with ion exchange, hydrophobic interaction, affinity or size exclusion in downstream processing (DSP).In order to optimize […]
Applications of fraction collectors
LAMBDA OMNICOLL fraction collectors are used for all types of chromatographic techniques such as
- normal or low pressure chromatography (LPLC),
- medium pressure chromatography (MPLC),
- fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC),
- high pressure or high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC),
- ion chromatography (IC),
- multicolumn countercurrent solvent gradient purification (MCSGP).
Applications of autosampler
When connected to pumps, LAMBDA OMNICOLL units function as autosamplers for automatic sampling of water or samples during chemical and biochemical processes. The autosamplers are also used for automatic liquid handling or dispensing during cell culture, fermentations and chemical reactions.