Pump controlled fraction collection
FAQ: Pump controlled fraction collection
Frequently asked questions about LAMBDA peristaltic pump controlled or third-party multichannel pump (Ismatec, Gilson Minipuls, Flexicon pump, etc.) controlled fraction collection.
Is it necessary to use peristaltic pump with the HPLC column or is the flow rate from the HPLC sufficient to bypass a peristaltic pump?
LAMBDA peristaltic pumps are used in conjunction with the LAMBDA OMNICOLL fraction collector to assist the flow from the HPLC column for fraction collection. You may use gravitational flow from the HPLC column without using peristaltic pumps, if needed.
Should I be able to integrate any peristaltic pump with your LAMBDA OMNICOLL fraction collector?
You can use any peristaltic pump with the LAMBDA OMNICOLL fraction collector.
The OMNICOLL fraction collector provides a signal (~ 9 V) which is used by the communication module (Art. No. 6911) to switch the pump off while moving from one fraction position to the other and at the end of the run. Therefore, there is no spilling between fractions.
Additionally, while using the OMNICOLL fraction collector with LAMBDA PERISTALTIC PUMP, the fraction collector can take fractions volumetrically by counting the pump impulsions (COUNT mode). Therefore, each fraction will have the same impulsion number and, thus, have the same volume.